Think of us as your ‘one-stop shop’ for finance & residential property investment solutions. We have a dedicated team of professionals who are available seven days a week to guide you through the entire process and to handle each and every enquiry you may have along the way.
With the average national lifespan increasing continually, it is concerning to us all that our already financially delicate government will be unable to efficiently fund the growing population of post-employment individuals. The Australian couples old aged pension is $36,301.20 pa*, far below what might be deemed a comfortable or even sufficient retirement income. It has been suggested that the age of pension qualification be raised from 65 to 67, a figure liable to be raised yet further in the future. If you are still working at the age of seventy, it should be because you want to, not because you need to. Many Australians are looking to boost their wealth for retirement and supplement their post-employment income by investing in a property portfolio. Ausinvest Network can help you establish a tax effective investment property portfolio to aid in your personal wealth creation plan and allow you to confidently look forward to a secure financial future. Every year, tens of thousands of Australians are legally paying significantly less in tax and retaining of their hard-earned money. If your household has a combined gross income of over $55,000 per year, these opportunities are also within your reach and within your rights.
You too can significantly reduce or even eliminate your tax liability through property investment. Utilising the funds you currently pay in taxes, you can now invest in property and even pay off your current mortgage faster with the correct financial structures created by Ausinvest Network. *Centrelink maximum payment, effective May 2019.